Here's a visual:
Akuma stands high upon Mount Everest, Erect, with arms folded. He then awakens his supressed power and becomes Shin Akuma. He vanishes only to drop from the sky unleashing his technique, Misogi (purifier) upon the highest peak on Earth, destroying it to nothing but rubble. Then Evil Ryu, along with Violent Ken and Majin Vegeta attack him with beams, he then jumps and knocks the 3 away with a hadouken, but the three quickly rebound and perform a tag-team ShunGokuSatsu(Raging Demon) and a Big Bang. Akuma Is now hurt badly, but has he been holding back? Yes. Then Goku teleports next to Shin Akuma and they do the fusion dance. They become Jigoku(hell) and unleash the Shun Goku Satsu combined with the Dragon Fist, obliterating everything in sight, leaving ash, fire and a cloud of smoke. The smoke lifts and you can see Shin Akuma sparkling electricity, with the Heaven (ten) character glowing on his back, looking at the corpses. Goku is alongside him with the Dragon character glowing upon his back glowing an eeire gold, sparkling electricity around his body. Game Over.
10/10. Good Job.